A screened in porch is a classic and can be configured for all kinds of outdoor spaces. By enclosing that space with screening, floor to ceiling, you keep the space, create an extra outdoor room and protect the area from bothersome flying insects
Shade Sails Tag:
Patio Screens
Whether you live in town or out in the desert, patio screening is one of the most effective methods to protect your home from heat, winds and even cold temperatures. Patio screening offers some insulation from outside temperatures that can translate to 1-5 degrees difference in heat or cold transferred to exterior walls and thereby the interior of the home. That little bit of temperature insulation reduces the energy needed to cool or heat your home and can save as much as 25% on utility costs.
Patio Screening
Patio and deck screening, outdoor or indoor window screening that deflects heat and shields from burning UV rays keeps the areas behind them cooler. Put your hand on a sunny wall and then a shady wall. The shady wall is cooler to the touch, as is the space behind it and the room it encloses.
Large Commercial Installation
We removed the original fabric which had become worn over the years and needed replacing. Rather than repeating our original installation, we’ve changed up the plan a bit. This year, we’ve built window “frames” covered in fabric that are then installed in place of the original fabric.
Cool Pool Shade Sails
The water is always warmer at the shallow end of a swimming pool. Sunburn is more likely at the beach or the pool than in your own backyard. A custom shade sail can be fabricated in a huge variety of colors, and designed in virtually any shape for the desired coverage of an area.
Outdoor Living Spaces
The most effective method of reducing heat to the patio is to enclose it in screening. Patio screening or outdoor screening shields areas from heat.
Metal Awnings
Awnings are traditionally thought of as being fabricated of a canvas or other heavy material and often are, but there is a great deal to be said for metal or aluminum awnings which is often overlooked. A sheet metal or corrugated aluminum is actually the perfect material for covering a patio, doors, […]
Patio Trellis
Everyone likes a shaded patio. It provides a cooler space to sit, protects the walls of the house from direct sun which reduces interior cooling costs, and extends the outdoor living space. Fabric patio covers, aluminum patio covers, shade sails and fixed patio roofing structures accomplish this beautifully.
Gazebos, Ramadas and Backyard Shade
One of the best improvements you can make to your home is to create an outdoor sitting area. While not everyone has the space to do something grand, a small gazebo of fabric, a free standing tented area or ramada away from the house is both inviting and can encourage you and your guests to enjoy the backyard more frequently. It’s wonderful to have a yard with plantings and a garden, but without shade, you won’t want to spend as much time outdoors when it’s hot.